imah> produk> Aplikasi laser

Aplikasi laser

Piv laser

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Confocal Laser Scanning Mikroskopi

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Laser Holography

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Rami specroscopy laser

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Laser pikeun eksplorasi atmosfir

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Laser Cytometry Aliran

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Laser anu dikuatkeun ngarecah spéktroskop

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Laser Oplogenetics

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Lampu nunjukkeun laser

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Pcrit Digital

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Laser pikeun pengobatan médis

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Lumpin-konversi lumpuh

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CNI tiasa nawiskeun solusi lengkep dina rupa-rupa aplikasi tina panalungtikan ilmiah, biomedis, sareng élmu lingkungan pikeun ngolah bahan industri, mikroéléktronik, avionik, sareng hiburan. Aplikasina kalebet laser optogenetics sareng neurosains, Particle Image velocimetry (PIV), holografi, mikroskop scanning laser confocal sareng saterasna.

Laser Optogenenics
laser for PIV
laser scanning microscope

Laser Optogenenics & Neuroscience

Structured Laser/ Line Laser for PIV

Confocal Laser Scanning Microscop

CNI offers many lasers for Optogenetics and Neuroscience with free space or pigtailed versions. The accessories are also available for a complete solution

By a transient, multi-point, non-contact hydrodynamic speed method, PIV is widely used in particle flow studies, wind tunnel flow measurements, etc.

CLSM consists of confocal microscopy, laser and data acquisition system. CNI offers many lasers of free space and Multi-wavelengths SM fiber couplings.




 Communication and Imaging  


CNI provides coherent length >50m, high stability SLM lasers, it is widely used in holographic microscopy, holography security, holographic interferometry, etc.

High communication quality, small loss and long distance transmission, strong confidentiality and light structure. Mainly used for communication system.   

Lidar is a system consists of laser, telescope collection device and signal analyzing device with high accuracy and high spatial resolution remote sensing.

raman spectrometer
laser induced fluorescence
laser induced breakdown

Raman Spectrum Solution

LIF: Laser Induced Fluorescence

LIBS: Laser Induced Breakdown

It shows spectrum for the 

materials characteristic identification.

 Used for Jewelry appraisal, forensic appraisal, and others materials.

The most senior detection technology, LIF is widely used in biology, chemistry, environmental sciences, agriculture, and other applications.

Long-distance, real-time measurement system. Small size, and quick response, no damage, versatility and variety for the samples, is used in hash conditions.

Laser for Medical Treatment

Up-conversion Luminescence

Laser Processing

Lasers can be widely used in clinical disciplines, CNI provides 532 nm, 561 nm, 589 nm, 1064 nm... for medical treatment.

CNI provides 808 nm, 980 nm, 1532 nm and other wavelengths laser sources for up-conversion luminescence.

CNI Q-switched DPSS lasers and high power water-cooled lasers are widely used in laser marking, welding, drilling, cutting, cleaning, etc.

Laser Show

Diamond Micro Marking Machine

Microlaser for Diamond Planning

CNI offers high reliable green, blue, red 

lasers, and RG & RGB lasers for laser entertainment. These lasers are compact and specially designe for laser show.

CNI offers total solution for diamond planning, with minimum character height 40um and marking width 5um.

CNI offers DPSS 1064nm passively Q-switched microlaser source for diamond planning.

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Hijina Hijina daptar aplikasi dina situs wéb, tapi kami ogé ngobrol sareng aplikasi konsumén sanés. Punten wartosan profésional urang. Alamat email: Asia@cnilaser.comwassp: +86 135144006
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imah> produk> Aplikasi laser
CNI Laser: solusi lengkep pikeun téknologi Laser!
Tel : 86-0431-85603799
Hapé : +8613514405706
alamat : : No.888 Jinhu Road High-tech Zone, Changchun, Jilin China
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Copyright © 2024 Changchun New Industries Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. Sadaya hak ditangtayungan.

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