imah> produk> Laser> Frékuénsi Frékuénsi tunggal> Héjo Single Frékuénsi laser
Héjo Single Frékuénsi laser
Héjo Single Frékuénsi laser
Héjo Single Frékuénsi laser
Héjo Single Frékuénsi laser
Héjo Single Frékuénsi laser
Héjo Single Frékuénsi laser

Héjo Single Frékuénsi laser

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Type pamayaran:T/T
Mnt. pesenan:1 Piece/Pieces
palabuhan:Beijing,Shenzhen,Hong Kong
Power (Watts):
Atribut Produk

Model No.MSL-***


Ultra Narrow Linewidth :Spectral Linewidth <0.00001 Nm

Ultra Low Noise :Noise Of Amplitude <1%

Long Coherent Linewidth :Coherent Linewidth >50m

Bungkusan & Pangiriman
Ngical Unit : Piece/Pieces
Jenis Paket : Kantong plastik sareng karton statik gratis, bungkusan Pelindung
Conto Gambar :
Laser-dikonci Picosecond Inten Raman Laser
Kacamata Perlindungan Lampu Laser
Panjelasan Produk

Kabéh kaayaan padet single mode longitudinal héjo laser dijieun fitur tina ci ultra, hirupna lila, béaya rendah sarta gampang lasers kakuatan operating.Single bujur tinggi geus loba gelombang tiasa kaluaran kakuatan choosed.The ti 1mw mun 10W .The laser digunakeun dina DNA sequencing, flow cytometry, asihan sél, alat optik, analisis spéktrum, interferensi, pangukuran, holografi, percobaan fisika, jsb.

Sadia kalawan on-board ogé remote on / off kontrol, sarta dina Asép Sunandar Sunarya lega kaluaran kakuatan jeung tingkat stabilitas, produk urang ayeuna keur dipake ku sababaraha universitas luhur Dunya sarta fasilitas panalungtikan nonjol lianna.


  • Ultra narrow linewidth : spectral linewidth <0.00001 nm
  • Ultra low noise : Noise of amplitude <1%
  • Long coherent linewidth : coherent linewidth >50m
  • Fiber coupled optional
  • Frequency stabilized laser optional
  • Modulation repetition rete up to 1MHz
  • Used with heatsink


  • Holography
  • Raman spectrum
  • Precision measurement
  • Interference lithography
  • Biomedical/ fluorescence
  • Atomic excitation/absorption


Wavelength (nm) Model Output power (mW) Features Data sheets
360 MSL-FN-360 1~50
457 MSL-U-457 1~300 Ultra compact
MSL-FN-457 1~350
MSL-RA-457 350~1000 Water cooled
MSL-W-457 1000~2000 Water cooled
473 MSL-U-473 1~80 Ultra compact
MSL-FN-473 1~100
515 MSL-F-515 1~20
523.5 MSL-III-523.5 1~50
MSL-FN-523.5 50~100
526.5 MSL-III-526.5 1~20
MSL-FN-526.5 20~100
530 MSL-S-530 1~50 Good seal IP67
MSL-DS-530 1~50 Electronic Integrated
532 MSL-III-532 1~100
MSL-S-532 1~100 Good seal IP67
MSL-DS-532 1~100 Electronic Integrated
MSL-U-532 1~200 Ultra compact
MSL-FN-532 1~400
MSL-F-532 400~700
MSL-RA-532 700~2000 Water cooled
MSL-R-532 2~10 W Water cooled
MSL-AO-532 1~10uJ@1Hz~1kHz, 10ns Q-switched
543 MSL-FN-543 1~100
552 MSL-FN-552 1~100
556 MSL-FN-556 1~100
561 MSL-FN-561 1~80
577 MSL-F-577 1~300
588 MSL-FN-588 1~200
589 MSL-FN-589 1~200
MSL-RA-589 200~500 Water cooled
607 MSL-FN-607 1~100
639 MSL-FN-639 1~300
MSL-FP-639 300~600 Water cooled
656.5 MSL-FN-656.5 1~50
660 MSL-FN-660 1~20
671 MSL-U-671 1~300 Ultra compact
MSL-FN-671 1~500
MSL-R-671 500~800 Water cooled
MSL-RA-671 800~1000 Water cooled
MSL-W-671 1000~2500 Water cooled
721 MSL-FN-721 1~100
785 MSL-III-785L 1~80  Linewidth <50 MHz
914 MSL-FN-914 1~100
946 MSL-FN-946 1~50
1030 MSL-FN-1030 1~20
1047 MSL-U-1047 1~500 Ultra compact
MSL-FN-1047 500~800
1053 MSL-FN-1053 1~200
1064 MSL-S-1064 1~700 Good seal IP67
MSL-III-1064 1~1000
MSL-R-1064 1~10 W Water cooled
MSL-AO-1064 1~200uJ@1Hz~1kHz, 25ns Q-switched
FL-1064-SF 1~500
1112 MSL-FN-1112 1~20
1122 MSL-FN-1122 1~80
1313 MSL-FN-1313 1~500
1319 MSL-FN-1319 1~50
1342 MSL-III-1342 1~200
MSL-R-1342 1~5 W Water cooled
1550 FL-1550-SF 1~1000

Longitudinal Mode Teating Coherent Fringes of 532nm Laser F-P Etalon Interference Ring


Pulsed Laser Driver

Émbaran Pausahaan

CNI gaduh téknologi inti anu kuat dina laser- laser UV, laser biru, laser héjo, laser konéng, laser jeruk, laser beureum, laser IR , Sistem laser, optik spéktrum analyzer, pangajaran sarta laboratorium alat-alat, alat-alat ukur optik, alat-alat ngolah laser, visi mesin sarta Pangwanoh photoelectric. Aya leuwih ti 120 insinyur teknis kalibet dina R&D jeung produksi, 65 patén-patén jeung kavling proyék gawé babarengan suksés internasional. Kakuatan téknis ngajadikeun kamungkinan pikeun ngalayanan para nasabah solusi lengkep pikeun laser sareng produk laser


imah> produk> Laser> Frékuénsi Frékuénsi tunggal> Héjo Single Frékuénsi laser
CNI Laser: solusi lengkep pikeun téknologi Laser!
Tel : 86-0431-85603799
Hapé : +8613514405706
alamat : : No.888 Jinhu Road High-tech Zone, Changchun, Jilin China
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