imah> produk> Komponén laser

Komponén laser

Kacamata laser

Tambih deui

Variabel Attenuator

Tambih deui

Beam Expander

Tambih deui

Panyerep panas

Tambih deui

Komponén optik sarta Asesoris, kaasup pilihan rupa dioda laser, kristal laser, lénsa optik, Filter optik, kaca spion optik, Windows, prisma, splitters Beam, Beam combiner, Beam expander, heatsink dikawasa Suhu, jsb. Jumlah aplikasi anu teu aya watesna, sapertos mikroskop, pencitraan, atanapi interferométri pikeun industri mimitian ti élmu kahirupan dugi ka tés sareng pangukuran.

Laser Diode
Laser Optics

405-1550 nm, output power up to 250 W.

Components725 Free space laser diodes

Components725 Fiber coupled laser diodes module

Laser Diode

Precision optical components.

Components725 Laser crystal

Components725 Frequency doubling crystal

Components725 Lens and Filter

laser optics
Fiber Coupler & Fiber & Fiber Optic Collimator
Line Generator

Optical fiber from visible to near IR.

Components725 Fiber coupler

Components725 Multi-mode/ Single-mode fiber
Components725 Fiber optic collimator

fiber coupler
Powel lens is available with fan angles of  5°, 7°, 10°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75° 90° and 100°
Line Generator
Fiber Beam Combiner Beam Combiner
Combines up to 4 fibers into 1 beam.
(single mode or multimode optional)

Fiber Beam Combiner

2 to 5 wavelengths combiner.

Components725 Multi-combiner
Components725 Polarization beam splitter/combiner

Beam Combiner
Multi-function Optical System Beam Expander
Complete solution of optical system with multi-function.
Multi-function Optical System
Expansion ratio of 2X, 3X, 5X, 10X beam expanders.
Beam Expander
AOM & Shutter
AOM (Acousto-optic modulator) with repetition rate up to 1MHz.
Shutter with minimum exposure as low as to 5ms.
It can provide a constant temperature for laser to make the laser more stable
LCD Electronic Timer Multi-pulse Generator  Multi-pulse Generator
Used for cumulatively recording the working time (life time) of lasers. Cumulative time deviation ≤0.02%
LCD Electronic Timer Multi-pulse Generator
Generate pulse signal, high and low electronic level 0-10000/ms variable.
 Multi-pulse Generator
Articulated Arm

Variable Attenuator

Used in conjunction with various types of CO2, YAG, and other wavelengths Laser Systems as a means of delivering the laser energy from the laser launch to the process point.
Articulated Arm
Circular and square attenuators which can vary the output power from 0.1%-100%.

Laser Goggles

Laser Safety Protective Housing
Laser safety is the key important thing during laser operation. CNI can offer proper laser goggles that protect from laser damage.
Laser Goggles
Laser safety is the key important thing during laser operation. CNI can offer laser safety protective housing that protect from laser damage.
Laser Safety Protective Housing
 Laser Viewing Card
Laser Rangefinder
Hand-held infrared viewers for observation and alignment, wavelengths available from 800 to 1550 nm.
ir viewer
Laser rangefinder has a long lifetime with low power consumption, easy to assemble and use.
Laser Rangefinder

Komponén utama
■ Laser Diode ■ Optics Optik ■ Callpler Cabut & serat & serat Optic Otical ■ Generator Generator ■ Variasi Variator ■ Laser Goggles ■ Perumahan Panyungsi Laser ■ Laser Laser Card ■ Pasokan Power ■ Minyak Lab
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imah> produk> Komponén laser
CNI Laser: solusi lengkep pikeun téknologi Laser!
Tel : 86-0431-85603799
Hapé : +8613514405706
alamat : : No.888 Jinhu Road High-tech Zone, Changchun, Jilin China
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